Hello everyone,
Today I am going to be telling you guys what I have been reading. The book that I have been reading , The book is called Dive. I have made a google drawing with two pictures in it and a little description at the bottom of it.
Here it is...
That's all hope you enjoyed, Please comment if you have feed back. BYE!!
Hi everyone,
Today I am going to be showing you guys what I have been doing. I have been doing some planting.I have planted two lemon trees. My uncle has made a little square wood thing to keep the soil in place. I have been doing this for the last couple of weeks. Here are photos of the little lemon trees. The first one some of the lemons already have grown and the other one no lemon has grown because I made the top photo first.
That's all I have been doing, Hope you have a nice day. Bye!!