
Friday 26 May 2017


  Hi my name is Gabriela One day I was looking outside because I was bored, I had nothing to do then I went outside. I sat down on my lawn, I was looking at the beautiful sky. When I was sitting down and looking at the beautiful sky, I saw someone he came down. He came with his creative flapping wings. I asked him if he want help he said “ yes please” I gave a hand and I pulled him up.

Next, it was windy an island flew away the boy went to get back the island,  I said  come back but he flew away. My house on top of a whale the whale keeps on wiggling I was sad so I went inside then I heard someone, I looked out it was the boy he dropped something.

I ran and picked it up, it was a rope. He tied a rope to the island.  I accidentally let go but I got it again. I tied it to the tree because the whale is moving. Then I looked at the island it was coming  back.

After that, I was happy I said do you want anything he said “I want water please”. I said OK. I will get it, I gave it to him he said thank you. He said he's gonna go. He said “bye”.

Last I was bored  so I went to watch TV. I was watching short land street. I was tired, I said to myself I'm not going to sleep, I want to still watch short land street  but i fell asleep. In the spooky night I woke up. I said why am I still here then I went to my room I slept.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Buster the Boxer

Buster the Boxer

Once upon a time, I was watching my owner jumping on her bed. Then her mum came in and said to her
“go to sleep”, so she listened to her mum and did. She gave her a kiss. My owner’s parents went downstairs to watch a movie, my owner's name is Gabriela and she is excited for her gift tomorrow. Her gift is a trampoline, until animals came on and jumped on it.

The next morning
Gabriela woke up and ran downstairs and she went outside to her trampoline but i zoomed as fast as I could, and were jumping on it. She was surprised that I was jumping on her trampoline,  she was looking at her parents they were surprised too.

After that Gabriela was sad. She went back inside and  went to her room and cried then her mum came she said “what’s the matter?” she told her it was me because I was on the trampoline her mum said “maybe he wanted to have a little jump”
” Gabriela said “but it's my trampoline it's not his.”

her mum said
“just come and we can have breakfast”,
Gabriela said OK so they went down and ate eggs and sausages Gabriela called me she said “come and eat”  so I went over and she said “why were you on my trampoline?”
I said “because it looked fun and it was bouncy” I said “sorry” she said “i forgive you”  after that she went to watch TV she was watched cartoons.

Lastly her mum told her “go to sleep” she didn't want to go to sleep she wanted to still watch tv but she was getting tired so she slept and her mum came and took her to bed.

Monday 15 May 2017

Exploring blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.


Thursday 11 May 2017



I was on my ship carrying containers. My boat was big it was blue and white. My name is Ben, I like to travel around the ocean because I love the freedom, it was a relaxing day for me.

Suddenly some pirates came aboard. They were going everywhere. One pirates came to me and  said “give the keys to me”. I gave him the keys, he said he is the new captain. After he started the engine some pirates were opening a container nothing was in it but there were other containers that had robots in them and robots came out.

The robots were telling the pirates to go away, one robot went to the pirate’s captain to tell him to look at the other pirates. They all had their hands behind their heads.

After that a robot gave the real captain’s hat and the keys then the robots went back into their containers then the captain said  “today was not a relaxing day.”

After everything had settled down we were exhausted so we went home. On the way home I was tired so I told the other man to drive the ship.

Lastly, when we got back home I went inside went into my room and went and put on my pajamas and went to sleep.   

Friday 5 May 2017

Adventure are the pits

Adventure are the pits

Once upon a time I was at my cousin’s birthday and she was turning 5. Her mum took us to a fun place, it was colorful. My cousin was so happy there was a playground. I was going to go down the slide but I was reluctant to go down. I counted to three then I slid down to the bottom. When I got to the bottom my face was all sticky then I felt something on my face. It was a colorful  lollipop. It was so sticky it was hurting my face. It was pulling my mouth then it came off. When it came off I fell down. When I got back up I saw a pile of colorful balls then I almost fell down I looked back some balls were falling of. I was scared so I moved in front. After that I was climbing. My hands were tired then my cousin was looking for me she was calling my name.

I climbed up. I was almost there but I saw a bandage it slipped down I closed my eyes and mouth. I tried to get the bandage but it was sticking on my nose. I said “Disgusting” so I took it of. I almost fell  but there was a lollipop stick. I grabbed the stick and I was still climbing up then I got up. I was so happy. I looked to my hand and saw a lollipop half. I saw dirty things on it but I still ate it.

After that my aunt called me to go and eat. I said “OK I'm coming”.
What we ate was pizza. We were drinking water. I asked my aunt “Can I go play” she said “Yes”. I walked over to the bouncy castle. I jumped high. I almost fell then I felt dizzy so I got off and sat down  until we were going.

Last my aunty said “We are going now” so we went outside but my cousin didn't want to go back home. Her mum told her to come but she didn't come so her mum said “We are going now, bye” then she said “Wait for me, I want to go back with you’s”.