
Friday 26 May 2017


  Hi my name is Gabriela One day I was looking outside because I was bored, I had nothing to do then I went outside. I sat down on my lawn, I was looking at the beautiful sky. When I was sitting down and looking at the beautiful sky, I saw someone he came down. He came with his creative flapping wings. I asked him if he want help he said “ yes please” I gave a hand and I pulled him up.

Next, it was windy an island flew away the boy went to get back the island,  I said  come back but he flew away. My house on top of a whale the whale keeps on wiggling I was sad so I went inside then I heard someone, I looked out it was the boy he dropped something.

I ran and picked it up, it was a rope. He tied a rope to the island.  I accidentally let go but I got it again. I tied it to the tree because the whale is moving. Then I looked at the island it was coming  back.

After that, I was happy I said do you want anything he said “I want water please”. I said OK. I will get it, I gave it to him he said thank you. He said he's gonna go. He said “bye”.

Last I was bored  so I went to watch TV. I was watching short land street. I was tired, I said to myself I'm not going to sleep, I want to still watch short land street  but i fell asleep. In the spooky night I woke up. I said why am I still here then I went to my room I slept.

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