
Friday 23 June 2017

The girl in the red coat

The girl in the red coat
Hi my name is Lucy, and I am 9 years old I live in Paris. One day I was walking down the street next to my house I was going to the shop’s to get some groceries for my mum, she was sick. I asked my brother if he can walk with me he said no my brother’s name is Jerome. When I was walking I saw a old man he was lonely he was doing hard work. I went to him and helped him.

But the problem is  we were poor, we had no money because my mum and dad didn’t go work. I said to my mother “can I go and help the old man” she said “yes you can.” So I went to him I said let me help. After I helped him he said “thank you little girl for helping me” I said to him I will always come and help you he said “you don't have too”.

The next morning I said to my mother can I go to the old man and give him some foods please my mother said “ok you can go”
So I went but first I went to the shops I bought him a drink and chinese food.
In the afternoon, I was watching the news I saw the old man he died I ran to his house the ambulance was there so was the new’s I went to him they already took him.

In the night time I went to the kitchen to have dinner. When I was eat I was thinking about the old man. After dinner I went to my room. When I got there I went for a shower. I  got in the shower the water was cold. So I took a fast shower when I finished I went to put on my cloths after putting on my cloths I went to brush my teeth then went to my bed then I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up I went to brush my teeth when I went to my bathroom I brushed my teeth Then I went for a shower. After my shower I  went down stairs and had breakfast. what I had for breakfast was eggs and paddies and a cup of tea.

Later that day I went for a little stroll when I was walking I stopped at the shops to get a snack and water. After my snack I went back home, I watched tv I was watching disney channel  then I fell asleep.

Last I woke up it was night time. I said to my mother I had a dream about me in heaven.It was beautiful I saw flowers a sun and a rainbow.I said to my mother i'm going to my room. I went upstairs to my room. I Was still tired  so I laid down.Then I went to sleep.

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