
Friday 30 June 2017


Hi my name is Alma and I am 9 years old I live in a small town, I was jumping down the snowy road when I was going down the road I saw a black board I went to it and got out my chalk when I was writing I heard something I looked back it was nothing.After I wrote my name a doll caught my attention the doll looked like me so I went to it. I tried to open the door it didn’t open.Then I chucked a snowball it opened.I said to myself was that magic.
I tried to get the doll but I hit another doll. Then it ran around it was riding a bike. But it keep on falling so I picked it up it was running to the door.I got up the doll wasn't there I was looking around  it was up on the shelf I stand on the chair to get the doll.

Oh no I can't get it. Then I touched it the doll. It sucked me in. Then  I was in a glass thing I looked everywhere.Everybody copied me.I saw another doll going up the table. It was a girl she was wearing a red dress with flowers her hair is red too she was beautiful.

Some people were walking and they were looking at the doll they said it was beautiful and cute. One child was gonna go inside the shop.Then another child saw the child open the door the child said no!! Don't go  in there did you hear about a little girl that went inside and got trapped in a doll.The End           


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